Data dictionary: Lists

Reading list data
Database location


Column Name Datatype Description Example
url VARCHAR(4096) Canonical URL of the reading list  
list_guid VARCHAR(4096) Globally Unique ID for the reading list. This should be used for joining to other data. DE53F159-8AE9-F8D4-6518-263DED7D56E9
title VARCHAR(4096) Reading list title  
status VARCHAR(255) Permitted values Draft, Published, Published with Unpublished Changes Draft
hierarchy_url VARCHAR(4096) Canonical URL of hierarchy record, can be used to link to hierarchy  
time_period VARCHAR(4096) Textual name of time period Autumn Term 18
section_count INTEGER Number of sections in this list 23
item_count INTEGER Number of items in this list 170
owner VARCHAR(4096) Name of the list owner  
owner_url VARCHAR(4096) URL of the user who owns the list. Can be joined with public.f_rl_users.profile_url  
created_by VARCHAR(4096) Name of the user who created this list  
published_by VARCHAR(4096) Name of the user who published this list  
archived_by VARCHAR(4096) Name of the user who archived this list  
review_completed_by VARCHAR(4096) Name of the user who completed the last review of this list  
date_created TIMESTAMP Date the list was created 2016-01-12 00:00:00.0
year_created INTEGER Year of when the list was created 2018
month_created INTEGER Month of when the list was created, values 1-12 12
week_created INTEGER ISO 8601 week of when the list was created, note Monday is the start of the ISO 8601 week, values 1-53 52
dow_created INTEGER Day of week of when the list was created, values 0-6, Sunday is 0 5
last_updated TIMESTAMP Date the list was last updated 2016-01-12 00:00:00.0
year_last_updated INTEGER Year of when the list was last updated 2018
month_last_updated INTEGER Month of when the list was last updated, values 1-12 12
week_last_updated INTEGER ISO 8601 week of when the list was last updated, note Monday is the start of the ISO 8601 week, values 1-53 52
dow_last_updated INTEGER Day of week of when the list was last updated, values 0-6, Sunday is 0 5
last_published TIMESTAMP Date the list was last published 2016-01-12 00:00:00.0
year_last_published INTEGER Year of when the list was last published 2018
month_last_published INTEGER Month of when the list was last published, values 1-12 12
week_last_published INTEGER ISO 8601 week of when the list was last published, note Monday is the start of the ISO 8601 week, values 1-53 52
dow_last_published INTEGER Day of week of when the list was last published, values 0-6, Sunday is 0 5
date_archived TIMESTAMP Date the list was archived 2016-01-12 00:00:00.0
year_archived INTEGER Year of when the list was archived 2018
month_archived INTEGER Month of when the list was archived, values 1-12 12
week_archived INTEGER ISO 8601 week of when the list was archived, note Monday is the start of the ISO 8601 week, values 1-53 52
dow_archived INTEGER Day of week of when the list was archived, values 0-6, Sunday is 0 5
last_reviewed TIMESTAMP Date the list was last reviewed 2016-01-12 00:00:00.0
year_last_reviewed INTEGER Year of when the list was last reviewed 2018
month_last_reviewed INTEGER Month of when the list was last reviewed, values 1-12 12
week_last_reviewed INTEGER ISO 8601 week of when the list was last reviewed, note Monday is the start of the ISO 8601 week, values 1-53 52
dow_last_reviewed INTEGER Day of week of when the list was last reviewed, values 0-6, Sunday is 0 5
privacy_control VARCHAR(255) Private or Public Public
student_numbers INTEGER Numbers of students 84
default_list_view VARCHAR(255) whether the list is using the new list view. ‘Beta’ refers to the new list view. ‘Classic’ refers to the old list view. Beta is default

WARNING: The data dictionary is subject to change. For that reason always refer to column names directly in your SQL statements, not column positions.