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Managing Dependencies

The following details how dependencies are managed for a given technology stack.

Node.js 1

Due to the way third party dependencies are versioned, sometimes a build can fail when a dependency somewhere in the tree is updated with a breaking change. For example, take a project that has the following dependency tree:

project A@1.0.0
-- dependency B@1.0.0
   -- dependency C@^1.0.0

In the root package.json file, the project can only specify the version dependency B but not C. If C were to break B in version 2 (because of the loose verson requirement of B denoted by the ^) then the build cannot be fixed without asking the author of B to fix their package.

In order to guarantee every build in any environment uses the exact same dependencies at a given point in time, NPM shrinkwrap2 is used to create a snapshot of a working dependency tree. Only application projects should be shrinkwrapped, not dependant libraries3.

Setting up a new project

Once you are happy with the contents of package.json, run the commands below. The cleaning of the NPM cache and pruning ensures that any packages previously installed but not included in package.json are not included in the shrinkwrap. Without this, the shrinkwrap command can fail with invalid package errors.

npm cache clean
npm prune
npm install
npm shrinkwrap

Add the generated npm-shrinkwrap.json file to the source code repository and commit.

If you want the development dependency tree as well, then run npm shrinkwrap --dev. Please note that because an npm install will install packages only specified from npm-shrinkwrap.json, a production install (npm install --production) will not exclude the development packages.

Updating a dependency

Follow the set of commands below. You must specify an exact version of a dependency to install e.g. 1.2.3.

npm cache clean
npm prune
npm install --save package-name@version|git-repo#tag-version
npm shrinkwrap

Commit the updated npm-shrinkwrap file.