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Each project should have a in the project’s root folder. This should contain at a minimum:

  • A brief description of the project, justifying its existence
  • How to build the project
  • If it is a deployable, how to run it
  • If it is a library, a quickstart on how to use it
  • If it has an API, a link to more detailed API documentation

Infra Runbook

If the project is a deployable, rather than a library, it must also have an Infra Runbook. This details the production infrastruture and x, y & z. Someone please feel free to add a good example.


Public APIs should have an Apiary1 page describing how to use the API, see the echo API documentation2 as an example. These documents should at a minimum include all publicly available calls, details on how to use authentication and example response and request formats.