Concepts :: The Reading List Lifecycle


Talis Aspire Reading Lists go through a lifecycle:

  1. When you create a new list, it exists in draft form, and has list status draft
  2. During editing, changes are made to the draft list and are only visible to editors;
  3. Once we are satisfied with the list contents, we publish the list to make the changes visible to students.
    1. At this point, we have both a draft and published copy of the list, but they are aligned.
    2. Published lists have a list status of published.
  4. Further editing takes place against the draft copy of the list. The list has status published with unpublished changes
    1. Until those changes are published, the draft will be different to the published copy.
    2. When the list is published, the published copy will be aligned with the draft copy again.
    3. All changes to the contents of the reading list follow this workflow
  5. After a reading list has ceased to be current, it may be manually archived.
    1. When a reading list is archived the draft copy is removed altogether, leaving only a published copy, with an archived status.
    2. This cannot be undone.
    3. Archived lists are removed from search results
    4. Archived links are unlinked from the hierarchy
    5. Archived lists remain visible in reports
    6. Archived links are still viewable if you have the link
  6. At the end of its life, a list can be deleted, which removes both draft and published copies altogether.
    1. This cannot be undone.
    2. Your tenancy may not have the delete list option available if your system admin has decided to hide it.

List Lifecycle Reflected in the APIs

The above lifecycle means that there are different routes for interacting with draft and published lists, and these routes will include different data to support different requirements in those draft and published environments.

As an example, the routes to get an item will differ in that a published item route will not include the library_note as this is only displayed when editing the list items.